Why It Is Inadvisable To Use a Drain Snake for DIY Drain Unblocking

Posted on: 22 August 2018

Undoubtedly, having blocked drains is a plumbing problem that every household will experience at some point. Even with meticulous plumbing practices, there is still the chance of clogs in your plumbing hardware due to a vast array of causes, including root intrusions, septic blockages and so on. For some homeowners, the go-to solution is utilising a drain snake, especially if they have not yielded any results with a plunger. However, there are numerous reasons why drain snakes should exclusively be left to the employ of professional plumbers rather than being utilised as a DIY solution. [Read More]

3 Key Things You Should Consider Before Installing a Hot Water Heater

Posted on: 22 August 2018

Hot water is a necessity in your home for showering, cooking and cleaning among other uses. That means you will want to invest in a hot water heating system at some point. However, before you do that, you need to evaluate a few things first. Water heater installation is a costly project and you must ensure you get it right the first time. Therefore, here are a few crucial things you need to have in mind before you install a hot water heater in your home. [Read More]

How to Introduce a Rainwater Tank at Home

Posted on: 21 August 2018

Politicians may have made news recently by declaring that one Australian state is entirely plagued by drought, but you may have seen these developments coming. This is old news to you, as you know that water is at a premium where you live and are already taking steps to install a storage facility. You can certainly make an environmental statement with your new rainwater tank, but you need to know how to install it properly first. [Read More]

DIY Approaches to Consider for Clearing Your Blocked Drainsm

Posted on: 21 August 2018

Like many people, you may first notice the tell-tale signs of a blocked drain when it starts producing a foul smell. Such odours can arise from sinks, toilets and showers, leaving you with the feeling that the room they occupy isn't hygienic. If you're fortunate enough to notice a smell before your blockage causes the sink to overflow, you may still have a chance to tackle the problem yourself. Combine baking soda and vinegar to fizzle the blockage away [Read More]