What To Do If You Discover A Burst Pipe In Your Home

Posted on: 2 February 2023

A burst pipe can cause damage to your home and create a huge mess. If you are facing this situation, it's important to act quickly. Knowing what steps to take can help keep the damage to a minimum and get your home back on track in no time. Read on to discover more!

Turn Off The Water Supply Immediately

The first step you should take if you discover a burst pipe is to turn off the water supply. This will stop the flow of water and prevent further damage from occurring. Depending on the type of pipe that has burst, you may have access to an individual valve that controls the flow of water or need to go directly to the main water valve located near where your pipes enter your house. If possible, shut off both valves at once, as this will ensure that no other pipes suffer from excessive pressure while repairs are being made. Once the valves are shut off, locate any excess water and start cleaning it up right away.

Assess The Damage

After the mess caused by a burst pipe has been cleaned up, it's time to assess just how much damage was done. Look out for signs of mould and mildew growth, rotting materials, water marks left on walls and ceilings, buckled floors or walls — any indicators that the leaking water may have caused harm to your home in some way. Before getting started on repairs, though, be sure to completely dry out all affected areas, as enticing as it may be to dive straight into redecorating and repairing, leaving wet spots behind could lead to more issues, such as bigger health risks or further destruction later on.

Call A Plumber

Contacting a professional plumber should be your next step when dealing with burst pipes. They can help identify the problem and repair them in a timely manner. Trying to handle it yourself is risky and may lead to more problems later down the road. Professional plumbers have knowledge that helps them prevent future mishaps, so their work can end up saving you more money in the long run! So, don't hesitate to call a plumber as soon as possible and get your plumbing problems solved quickly and effectively.


Dealing with burst pipes can be stressful, but knowing what steps to take can help keep things under control until professionals arrive onsite for repairs. If you would like to find out more, contact a company like Melbourne Plumbing and Drainage Solutions.
